Sunday, December 14, 2008

Boring Weekend!!....

December 14, 2008, Rainy

Boring weekend and it's rain almost all the day.. Spend almost half weekend sleeping. don't know why, these days feel very tired although with long sleep. perhaps I really need exercise, and hope that the people that promised me to play badminton wouldn't fly me aeroplane.

Friday is my sister's 22th birthday, saturday is my mother's 60th birthday and today is my father's 61th borthday. we celebrate it yesterday, just a small but warm family dinner. had some feeling of losing cause my mother said that 60th birthday should celebrate it big but i still don't have the enough capability to held the celebration. Maybe on her 70th birthday, if I am able, I sure compensate back.

I still very lazy to upload photo here... be patient!...

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