Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wonderful JB's Trip

December 26-28, 2008, Sunny

Trip to Johor Bahru because of Sheena's wedding. Many other ex-college mate attended too. Nice that can meet them back and gather together, most I not seen them after graduate, which is around 5 years. yi chong looks really different from his body size especially his round neck now. kean wooi's tummy get bigger. sheena, caleb & ching seng still look the same. We had good time gather together very closely although mostly with beer.. hahaha... we drank 3 times in a day with a really good chat.

Sheena's wedding was great. The best that i ever seen. there have funny, moderate but exciting eastern marrying home ceremony, romantic, sweet and touching church service, and a class, entertaining and delicious dinner. full compliment to the video made during the marriage. it make it like a short film with funny words and storyline. much more special than the normal marriage video. all guest looking at the video. i must do that in my marriage. one thing very regret, didn't have chance to get know of sheena's ji mui.... hahaha... just able to take a photo with some. maybe i am not aggressive enough.....

the next day after i backed from JB, i attend a ang pau free 100++ table wedding dinner by my company customer. it become so bad comparing to sheena's wedding. this really show sheena put a lot of effort in this wedding and it becomes so success and complimenting. And also my role wedding!!!.... but not so soon.... =)

Stress, Directionless & Empty

December 30, 2008, Hot & Sunny

I felt the three things simultaneously today. Totally lost of direction and been stressed by many issues. Career, family, financial, relationship and mentally-esteem. this make me feel how unable am I in this realistic environment. Or it is just an illusion, self-demand till stress or felt envy to the wonderful weddings i been attended lately?

frankly speaking, the wonderful wedding i attended lately,especially sheena's wedding, make some impact on my freedom first and late-wed concept. I start to think of settle down to form a family, or at least a person there to share my life. This time the feeling is so strong than any other period before. maybe is really suitable for me to look for a permanent partner, instead of trying around. However, I feel difficult to find the partner that can really share my mind, my feelings and thought, although my non-abstract requirement been set lower and lower. Some good friends can really match my abstract requirement, but sadly they all are not available anymore. sometime i feel regret of not getting a permanent partner earlier, so we can develop our values, thought, and exposure together instead of seeking a new.

friendship!!.... i must admit that my life consist of great variety of friends. and today i saw the real side of some selfish and bad friends. I felt that they are not sincerely committed while I committed so faithfully to them. They asking returns for some small thing that i ask them. besides, they even oftenly tease me for somethings that i weaker than them. come on, be mature and grown. we not child anymore that can fool people around, be gentlement. maybe I should really re-consider the level of our relationship. certainly, I will not committed so much in the friendship anymore. just be a normal friend is good enough for them, and for me!!.....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Malaysian Young Entreprenuer Conference (MYEC) '08

December 21, 2008, Rainy

Today I participated the Malaysian Young Entreprenuer Conference (MYEC) '08. Long hour, an hour after schedule but interesting and educating. The talk by the speakers, especially the successful entreprenuer such as Tony Fernadez, Dato' Izat, Datuk P.Kasi, Dato' Adnan etc really awesome. I learnt a lot from their experience and values in order to achieve success. Their success not came in the first time. Most of them fall but able to get back become bigger and bigger.

Some disappointing issue is although we able to networking with the participants, but I have some uncomfortable with the so called 'young entreprenuer'. They present a namecard with no registered company, no company details, and just their name and mobile phone. Some even stating theu doing a business and maybe can offer some business to me. How trusty they are?!!!.... I have a strong untrusting for them and suspect they are opportunist and try to get benefits from other... Opportunist, a!!... it that's surpose to be an entreprenuer value and delivered in the seminar?!! and are they doing the right things?!... but certainly I wouldn't risk my father company...

I heard a quite harassing thing today from my brst friend. His relationship been over so many challenges and hardwork, but now facing some serious issue. Both are my best friend. I will try my best to look for the best solution, although i am not an expert in this field. But I really wish they can have a good and happy ending after so many years..... Appreciate!!....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Headache Day...

December 18, 2008, Hot & Sunny

Today my head pain for the whole morning.. maybe is too much drinking yesterday night... but get better after lunch and nap in the afternoon.

tomorrow i need to take care of my small niece with maid only. damn scary le as i never take care of her alone.... really don't know her attitude well... nevermind, i will take this as experience...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Boring Weekend!!....

December 14, 2008, Rainy

Boring weekend and it's rain almost all the day.. Spend almost half weekend sleeping. don't know why, these days feel very tired although with long sleep. perhaps I really need exercise, and hope that the people that promised me to play badminton wouldn't fly me aeroplane.

Friday is my sister's 22th birthday, saturday is my mother's 60th birthday and today is my father's 61th borthday. we celebrate it yesterday, just a small but warm family dinner. had some feeling of losing cause my mother said that 60th birthday should celebrate it big but i still don't have the enough capability to held the celebration. Maybe on her 70th birthday, if I am able, I sure compensate back.

I still very lazy to upload photo here... be patient!...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jia Yi's Birthday

December 10, 2008, Rainy

Today is my lovely niece, Jia Yi, two year old's birthday and my sister, Lufen, twenty two year old's birthday. We celebrate at home with few relatives only, small but hapenning. Jia Yi today is super-active that her babysitter also said that she become another person while in own home. But Jia Yi play very happily and eat a lots of foods today. Later if I am free, I will upload some photos here.

Besides, I heard another breaking new after I went drink beer with one of my boss's son. He said that my big boss is retiring soon, although is not officially announced. What a breaking news!!... My company still getting the contract from the Company is an unknown now as the big boss is a relative of mine. But I will sure fight it back with current contacts and connections.

Today I drank a lot of beer until blur blur and spend quite a lot... I determine to control my spending, but sometimes just can't stop my attitude... Perhaps I need better discipline.... Hopefully can success!.....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blue Collar Technician

December 09, 2008, Hot & Sunny
Spending more than half day supervising in the site under the sun. And today really witness how the technician spend their physical energy, and risk their safety to complete the job, just for a moderate living. feel some complicated feelings although i have moderate income, however i spend luxuriously, have a comfort working situation and seem like have a better future.

Before that i feel nothing, and sometimes feel appropriate that my father cut the sub contractor price. But today, I feel that they should reserve the money. And I promise, I will never cut the labour charge of my sub-contractor and will pay them accordingly as long as they didn't charge too much!.... Promise!!..... I should change my spending attitude too!!.... MUST!!....

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Old Friends Meet-Up

December 06, 2008, Sunny

Today met with Debbie, really long time not met her. Nice chat, feel something different but can't speak out what's the differences. hahaha.... Another two of my best friend also there, watson and sue. we still same joking and teasing around, and exchange photography knowledge also. well, most likely are they teaching me. hehehe.... I can feel that they quite frustrated with the question: 'when you both going to get married?', and watson's answer always: 'after you'... hahaha.... anyway, good answer.... =D

looking forward for the bak kut teh dating on coming monday... watson, just order whatever portion you want, on my bill!!... =)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Insurance Agent!!. Sux!!.....

December 05, 2008, Hot & Sunny

Today visit Jia Yi at her babysitter house and bring her to office & JJ. So happy and satisfy seeing her cute'ing around... hehehe...

I met 2 sucks insurance agent today: one late for 45 mins (although is friend, but still too much), and another push for sale and higher premium. Sucks, I hate insurance agent force me to sign policy on the spot after he present, and the policy is damn expensive. No hope for you to get sale from me... Please la, be professional. insurance industry is not so lame for sale as you thought, is a professional customer-oriented field with customed-made policy, NOT the product-oriented.

Seem like I am more professional that this two insurance agent... hahaha.... however, I satisfy with my current industry and career... just stressed to grow it.... but, everything stressed if you demand for more!!! just need to handle it.... =D

Monday, December 1, 2008


December 01, 2008, Hot & Sunny

Nothing special today. just tidy up my documents and have little but messy business discussion. I just start to realise that the business world is full with self-fish. I provide full professional service but end up squeezed by customer unprofessionally for price-cut. haiz..... what I can do for living?... =( perhaps I need a better opportunity or customer that appreciate my profession.

An ending for the wiremen license is a start for another journer. however, I am now located at the transition period where I really have no target nor mission to achieve. and my business contacts are limited to help me expand and grow. Demotivated and depressed yet extremely stressed and worried for future. now only alcohol can temporary release me from such stress. Temporary!.....