Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fresh Day.... Fresh Start.... =D

March 15, 2009, Morning, Sunny

After a very good, undisturded, clear sleep yesterday. sun shine in my room very strong, yet the shining is very refreshing and comfortable, can sense that the air is been life up. I feel fresh, without headache, eye is good, feeling very comfortable. maybe after a week of bad, short and uncomfortable sleeping, the body become very weak. after the refreshing sleep, the energy have been recharged, strong enough to power up and create momentum to go further. =D

the feeling of freshness is the best. especially the body and mind are in a bad condition for quite a period.

this is maybe why i like the study life before. no stress, sleep early, wake up early. everyday in fresh and good condition, prepare to go school to study and of course for fun, seem like the sorrow and despair can very easily been forget.

life, is tough, yet still goes on; is uncertain, yet creating surprise very oftenly; is cruel, yet warmnest are everyway around; is short, yet fascinating; is complicated, yet can be extemely simple.

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