Wednesday, March 25, 2009


March 26, 2009, 12.47am Hot and sunny

My boss, and yup, also my father, not around since Sunday, and will return on Friday noon. These few days I become temporary boss. although I decided to quit from his business, but I need to take care the business as he not around. further more, today some minor 'accident' happened, and luckily I am there. hopefully this minor 'accident' will help create some awareness in his managing style.

frankly, up to today, I haven't really plan for my future career, whether continue in my father business or throw myself in the labour market. after he been scolded by me, his attitude obviously has some changes, but sustainable or not is still questionable. If he really willing to change, I might stay and help to develop the company as it still has a lot of potential to grow and earn money. haiz, besides that, working in a family business has more pressure, stress and responsibilities despite the happiness that others might seem. if success, they seem us as inheriting the career from older generation, while if fail, we are losing all our ancestor effors, although my family business just started from my parent.

Today i went to bank to TT my maid wages as told by my mother before she went for vacation with my father. she send RM2K back and converted near to IDR6M. my maid very happy with this amount of money. hai... she work for 2 years and only get around RM8k, after the sucking blood agent take much commisions from her. and they still can become wealthy in her hometown with that amount of money. then i start thinking of my 'luxury' living style compare to her. RM8k, sometimes just r my spending for a month or two while others can really benefit from that money. my today review case (1).

Review case (2): i reading on a book titled '50 facts that should change the world'. and today i read on the chapter of '80 millions people goes hungry a day'. this make me think again. this book is a very nice book. I shall share here soon after i finish it.

The third case is on another book titled [目送] by long yin-tai from taiwan. I finished this book today for the very sentimental last two chapters. The last two chapters describe the living and interaction between the writer and her father during the old days till death of her father. from the healthy old driving man, to silent, then self-locked up, stroke, hospitalised and death. is extremely touching and sentimental. I nearly cry by the description and the interactions. the pen from a sharp and aggressive political and current issue commentor can produce a so soft, touching, family-oriented passages. the book is definitely worth the title of '2008 best non-fiction chinese' book.

Today is full with sentimental after i lose for a few days in poker. but really, the 3 cases are certainly need my depth consideration. and another side case, i just make my friend angry by asking her a term. really sorry ya... i really not mean it... cheers!... =D

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