Wednesday, March 4, 2009

25 Random Things About Me =)

~~~ Copied from Facebook Note.. =)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged (it was originally 25, but I could only think of 10 people). You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!

I was tagged by Esther Shai.

1. I am wondering what esther want to find out from me. (scary!!... =S)

2. I am thinking that to write here and I found that I have only few things to share and wondering can I finish this 25 facts.

3. For the last week, I having flu and sore throat.

4. The sick get worse e'time after had beer and I drank few times during the sick period. =(

5. I have quite a lot of friends, but only a few are really good enough to share story... (cheers!!!.... =D)

6. Definitely, Geoffrey is one of the few... but now he busy taking care of his wife... =(

7. I like few friends gather together and have a nice chat rather than noisy environment. (maybe this can considered psycologically aged... =(.... )

8. I am quite a boring guy and shy facing the stranger or non-familiar person, yet can be very talkative with friends or right topics.

9. So, whoever want me to talk more, please be initiative... =P haha....

10. I studied engineering in my degree, but I think I didn't perform the engineer's duties even for a day.... haha....

11. And I get my MBA after degree, once again, rarely use the knowledge for my current job now.... (cool man!!... sometimes I thinking where can I utilise the knowledge.... )

12. I like songs from Rihanna, Beyonce and Chang-Hui Mei. ( so sad, Rihanna been whacked recently..)

13. I prefer somehow sad songs, especially those that can touch people heart.

14. I like to read book and I read a lot, and I hardly can sleep without read something.

15. There are more than 200 books in my bookshelf and I read almost all. but some books only flip few pages. (wow!....)

16. Sometimes I like to shop for books, and throw it aside after that. The books end up displaying in other people bookshelf =(

17. I don't like to read magazine, cos it looks so complicated and colourful, make me confuse where to start the reading and hard to concentrete... hehe...

18. After seeing many good friend getting married or having a stable relationship, I worrying for my relatioship future also.... man!.. It's first time happen in my lifetime!!...

19. Perhaps that my worry had give them some signs, or they are too free, recently many of my friends tend to introduce girlfriends for me.... =S

20. I love good food, and able to consume a lot of it although normally I eat not so much.

21. I am very sensitive with my pillow, and always get my neck twisted from sleeping at sofa or other pillow.

22. People say I can drink a lot of alcohol, but I really scared the feeling of drunk.... (yaiks!!...)

23. I am looking for a change in my life, but........

24. I am planning for a vacation now, a lonely, harmony, quiet, unorganised vacation, with only me and my camera.... (yeah!!....)

25. so fast come the 25th fact... who wan to know more about me can message me in private, but preferably with question. I lazy to think what to tell without any directions... =)

Cheers!!!.... =D

1 comment:

suerrealis said...

hye.. how are u lately?! :)