Wednesday, March 25, 2009


March 26, 2009, 12.47am Hot and sunny

My boss, and yup, also my father, not around since Sunday, and will return on Friday noon. These few days I become temporary boss. although I decided to quit from his business, but I need to take care the business as he not around. further more, today some minor 'accident' happened, and luckily I am there. hopefully this minor 'accident' will help create some awareness in his managing style.

frankly, up to today, I haven't really plan for my future career, whether continue in my father business or throw myself in the labour market. after he been scolded by me, his attitude obviously has some changes, but sustainable or not is still questionable. If he really willing to change, I might stay and help to develop the company as it still has a lot of potential to grow and earn money. haiz, besides that, working in a family business has more pressure, stress and responsibilities despite the happiness that others might seem. if success, they seem us as inheriting the career from older generation, while if fail, we are losing all our ancestor effors, although my family business just started from my parent.

Today i went to bank to TT my maid wages as told by my mother before she went for vacation with my father. she send RM2K back and converted near to IDR6M. my maid very happy with this amount of money. hai... she work for 2 years and only get around RM8k, after the sucking blood agent take much commisions from her. and they still can become wealthy in her hometown with that amount of money. then i start thinking of my 'luxury' living style compare to her. RM8k, sometimes just r my spending for a month or two while others can really benefit from that money. my today review case (1).

Review case (2): i reading on a book titled '50 facts that should change the world'. and today i read on the chapter of '80 millions people goes hungry a day'. this make me think again. this book is a very nice book. I shall share here soon after i finish it.

The third case is on another book titled [目送] by long yin-tai from taiwan. I finished this book today for the very sentimental last two chapters. The last two chapters describe the living and interaction between the writer and her father during the old days till death of her father. from the healthy old driving man, to silent, then self-locked up, stroke, hospitalised and death. is extremely touching and sentimental. I nearly cry by the description and the interactions. the pen from a sharp and aggressive political and current issue commentor can produce a so soft, touching, family-oriented passages. the book is definitely worth the title of '2008 best non-fiction chinese' book.

Today is full with sentimental after i lose for a few days in poker. but really, the 3 cases are certainly need my depth consideration. and another side case, i just make my friend angry by asking her a term. really sorry ya... i really not mean it... cheers!... =D

Christina Aguilera - A Voice Within

Title: A Voice Within
Artist: Christina Aguilera

Young girl, don't cry
I'll be right here when your world starts to fall

Young girl, it's all right
Your tears will dry, you'll soon be free to fly
When you're safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing's harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within

Young girl, don't hide
You'll never change if you just run away
Young girl, just hold tight
And soon you're gonna see your brighter day
Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It's so hard to stand your ground when you're so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you're lost outside look inside to your soul

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin

To trust the voice within Yeah...

Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you're learning
You'll find all you'll ever need to know
You'll make it
Just don't go forsaking yourself
No one can stop you
You know that I'm talking to you

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within Young girl don't cry

I'll be right here when your world starts to fall

* try to look into the lyric, is very meanigful and encouraging.
I try to highlight the nice part, but I ending up highlighting almost all, cos it's really nice. so I just leave it black back.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

孙燕姿 - 同类

A very nice sentimental song and meaningful lyric. so bad for those that can't read chinese.

孙燕姿 - 同类



风 停了又吹
天 亮了又黑
心 暖了又灰

爱 收了又给
梦 作了又碎
我们有几次机会 去追


风 停了又吹
天 亮了又黑
心 暖了又灰

爱 收了又给
梦 作了又碎
我们有几次机会 去追



suddenly i realised most of my friend that know my blog don't know how to read chinese =(
sad sad sad... have some similarity with the lyric...

Another Tiring Day

March 19, 2009 Sunny, Tired

today was an another tiring day. yesterday nite arrived home at 4.30am and slept at 6, while woke up at 9am to work. just able to steal a nap around 4pm. though nothing much to do today, but really don't have concentration and dedication to work. =( i can expect a sleepless nite later cos if i nap at noon, i hardly sleep at nite. even with alcohol. i always wondering y alcohol can't improve my sleep, but make me can't sleep well. =( so less alcohol, no caffeine anymore. i try lo...

after had some argument wif my boss, i really feel lot of relief these few days. my mood and emotion become extremely good. and felt that i have more flexibility in my future. although somehow i can expect i'll in this industry or come back to this family business, one day, but it certainly won't be the same as the previous. at least more command power and influence in this traditional-managed business. for others are hardly to imagine that a bank priority banking customer that having such unsatisfy career situation. =P

talk about the priority banking, yesterday i received a call from an ex-UOB customer services officer. she previously called to my office for business and i attended her and just intro her a little sum of insurance policy. tat's like 2 years ago. and suddenly she called me yesterday and said that she shifted to hong leong bank as their priority customer officer and try to get some business from me, esp in the unit trust investment. i told her that im alr hong leong pb and she check my account and said that my money in fixed deposit won't make good return and ask me to invest the money in unit trust. cheh, i been hong leong pb for many years and those such stupid unit trust cost my mother and me quite an amount of money. u think i'll throw more money for ur commision? diu... then she ask me to re-finance my house. another diu, my house left 3 yrs++ then will fully paid, refinance for wat o, wan me tight longer with this financial trap mie.

I don't know y these day the bank train their staff to be so realistic? can't be more customer-oriented that all the business approaches practised? come-on, go and discover wat i wan from bank, instead of just keep pushing me something that is not my interest or seduce me with the 'potential' return just because for ur commission. diu... almost every 2 days then got banker or credit card ppl call and approach some stupid and not necessary things. just fired those ppl, cut cost and reduce the finance charge of the customer la.... make me now damn 'boiling; only...

don't say that alr la... make my mood become bad... i make appointment to wash face tmr... with my cousin.. haha.... new facial spa, hopefully won't make me disappointed... =D

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fresh Day.... Fresh Start.... =D

March 15, 2009, Morning, Sunny

After a very good, undisturded, clear sleep yesterday. sun shine in my room very strong, yet the shining is very refreshing and comfortable, can sense that the air is been life up. I feel fresh, without headache, eye is good, feeling very comfortable. maybe after a week of bad, short and uncomfortable sleeping, the body become very weak. after the refreshing sleep, the energy have been recharged, strong enough to power up and create momentum to go further. =D

the feeling of freshness is the best. especially the body and mind are in a bad condition for quite a period.

this is maybe why i like the study life before. no stress, sleep early, wake up early. everyday in fresh and good condition, prepare to go school to study and of course for fun, seem like the sorrow and despair can very easily been forget.

life, is tough, yet still goes on; is uncertain, yet creating surprise very oftenly; is cruel, yet warmnest are everyway around; is short, yet fascinating; is complicated, yet can be extemely simple.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

i'm out!!... with no looking back!!!....

March 13, 2009 Sunny

Today my mood is in a extremely bad condition, unspokable, silent but yet extremely bad tempered. cos to the bad attitude from my boss and also my father. I see no future in this career under his control. although now is in a very bad economic period, but i choose to become unemployed. frustration? uncertain? or simply despair? or is the combination of this? Don't ask, I really don't know, and really don't like to speak out, just like my normal attitude. But, in fact, I really want to cry, alone, when I am driving or laying down at bed, alone.

Beyonce's Listen had sang out so true for me:

Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete
Listen, to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release
Oh the time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed inside and turned
Into your own all cause you won't listen
Listen, I am alone at a crossroad
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say
What's on my mind
You should have known
Now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've gonna find my own

This happened for quite a period and I realised it. Nothing changed. and yet all have beed pressured up by more noise, argument, and complaints from the family. The feeling of 'I'm not home in my own home' is building up days by days. I have a perspective that remain silent and not make much noise can provide a good 'home' environment for member to live on. but really, this is totally wrong. It's end up with what's going wrong might get worse and what remains silent will get deeper in trouble.

A quote from long yin-tai, famous writer and commentor from Taiwan:

Home, unconsciously will become a place without warmest, and a place only with pressure. The world outside although is cold, but home can be even colder. A single person can be lonely, but two person under the light without any words can be more lonely

Is this what I found the best to describe in my mind? or it triggerred the feeling from the bottom of my heart? anyway, this feeling is terrible and very scary, worse than challenges and hurt from the outside world. you can simply leave and fight in the outside world, but what can you do in a family? blood-bond, can be constrastly, in very good and also in very bad.

I really felt that my career or work I doing now, sorry is just previously, really show no satisfaction and sense of success, nor good exposure and return. what in return might be greater financial debts, higher frustrations, despair, pressure and disappointments. I definitely choose for the wrong way for the past 5 years.

this period appear few times in my mind to leave this world, or reality. never before in my life. and I found that I have the exact symptom. y this world is so cold, unconcerning me and yet pressure me and so demanding from me and yet paying back with cruelty. where is God, from any religion will do??... who writing or creating the man destiny??... or karma??... what life means for??.... what is mean by hope, future??.... who knows?? who can provide me an answer??...

now, I am out, totally out!!... with no regrets and no looking back. I more willing to suffer the cold from the outside world rather than the cold inside the 'home'...

hey friend, don't ask and pursue me to speak... u know i won't... just let me drink and aneathetize myself, at least for a moment, or until the world change back!!!....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

happy and unhappy, can be paradoxically exist in the same time... =(

March 12, 2009 Hot, but expected to rain heavily in late afternoon

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dedicating Leona Lewis - Footprints in the Sand

March 07, 2009 Rainy

Dedicating this song to all my best friends and wish them all the best!!... =)

Title: Footprints in the Sand
Artist: Leona Lewis

You walked with me
Footprints in the sand
And helped me understand
Where I'm going
You walked with me
When I was all alone
With so much unknown along the way
Then I heard you say

I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled
with sorrow and despair
I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints
in the sand

I see my life
Flash across the sky
So many times have I
Been so afraid ooh
And just when I
Have thought I've lost my way
You give me strength to carry on
That's when I heard you say

I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled
with sorrow and despair
I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints
in the sand

but in our life, how many friends that can really willing to carry you when your heart is filled with sorrow and despair??

or in paradox, the footprints of a friend just a mark in the sand? unable to last long after wind and wave. what is left is just an un-scarred land of sand, no matter how depth and remarkable the prints were....

which theory should I believe? =(

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

25 Random Things About Me =)

~~~ Copied from Facebook Note.. =)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged (it was originally 25, but I could only think of 10 people). You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!

I was tagged by Esther Shai.

1. I am wondering what esther want to find out from me. (scary!!... =S)

2. I am thinking that to write here and I found that I have only few things to share and wondering can I finish this 25 facts.

3. For the last week, I having flu and sore throat.

4. The sick get worse e'time after had beer and I drank few times during the sick period. =(

5. I have quite a lot of friends, but only a few are really good enough to share story... (cheers!!!.... =D)

6. Definitely, Geoffrey is one of the few... but now he busy taking care of his wife... =(

7. I like few friends gather together and have a nice chat rather than noisy environment. (maybe this can considered psycologically aged... =(.... )

8. I am quite a boring guy and shy facing the stranger or non-familiar person, yet can be very talkative with friends or right topics.

9. So, whoever want me to talk more, please be initiative... =P haha....

10. I studied engineering in my degree, but I think I didn't perform the engineer's duties even for a day.... haha....

11. And I get my MBA after degree, once again, rarely use the knowledge for my current job now.... (cool man!!... sometimes I thinking where can I utilise the knowledge.... )

12. I like songs from Rihanna, Beyonce and Chang-Hui Mei. ( so sad, Rihanna been whacked recently..)

13. I prefer somehow sad songs, especially those that can touch people heart.

14. I like to read book and I read a lot, and I hardly can sleep without read something.

15. There are more than 200 books in my bookshelf and I read almost all. but some books only flip few pages. (wow!....)

16. Sometimes I like to shop for books, and throw it aside after that. The books end up displaying in other people bookshelf =(

17. I don't like to read magazine, cos it looks so complicated and colourful, make me confuse where to start the reading and hard to concentrete... hehe...

18. After seeing many good friend getting married or having a stable relationship, I worrying for my relatioship future also.... man!.. It's first time happen in my lifetime!!...

19. Perhaps that my worry had give them some signs, or they are too free, recently many of my friends tend to introduce girlfriends for me.... =S

20. I love good food, and able to consume a lot of it although normally I eat not so much.

21. I am very sensitive with my pillow, and always get my neck twisted from sleeping at sofa or other pillow.

22. People say I can drink a lot of alcohol, but I really scared the feeling of drunk.... (yaiks!!...)

23. I am looking for a change in my life, but........

24. I am planning for a vacation now, a lonely, harmony, quiet, unorganised vacation, with only me and my camera.... (yeah!!....)

25. so fast come the 25th fact... who wan to know more about me can message me in private, but preferably with question. I lazy to think what to tell without any directions... =)

Cheers!!!.... =D

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring: Season of Break-Up?!.... =S

March 03, 2009 Sunny, Tired...

After so long, today 'accidentally' have the intention to update the blog. previously due to chinese new year, my schedule is pact with preparing, enjoying, having long holidays, visit hatyai, friends, and of course gambling... =P my house was full with 'gamblers', actually they are my parents friends, everyday after Day 9 of Tian Gong, non-stop though chinese new year ends, continue until nearly a month. this year my interest in gambling, with big amount, had drop tremendously. just felt gamble for fun and game, instead of win. a sign of psycologically aged... =( but after chinese new year, i am quite busy for my works too as economy slowdown, need to work harder to earn more money. =D

One of my best friend, S, have broke up with his girl friend, L, who is also one of my good friend, after more than 8 years of relationship... =( sad!!... sad!!... sad!... their conflicts started in first day of chinese new year, and their new year were sure in a total chaos. The whole period of cny was like drama, for outsiders. L had been unfaithful to the relationship since quite a period ago, all just get know of it after this incident.. really unbelievable that an innocent and girl-next-door look lady can be so cruel and betrayed this relationship, with sudden explosion.

K now still cannot accept, nor forget his girlfriend that left him with so cruel and heartless. Anaethetize himself, everyday, with alcohol. Force me to accompany him, few days in a row, with alcohol and encouragement. but i think he hardly can listen as he say he willing to accept her again!!... =S..... although he cannot consider a good guy in my perspective, but surely, his love for L is definitely deep and he treat L with all his best.

zzzz.... very 'fan' while talking about this.... what can i do while the person involved still not willing to come out from this shadow. wat i can do is accompany him and try to let time to cure this wound for him.... but hopefully this won't create another wound in my body.. haha....

besides this extreme case, few friends around me are broke up recently, this spring. spiring surpose to be a season for animals to match, make love and breed. however, this spring seems like a break-up season among my friend network.... =( or perhaps they tend to consider the relationship for longer term and future after some period of engagement.

Cheers!!... and good luck for up-coming relationship =).........