Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Talent, is trained by this

this article is re-direct from the article in Sin-chew Daily today

Yi-han, Su, winner of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2008, is one of the two winner of this award from Asia. Instead of her age of 17, i very impressed with her personal skills that trained all her lifetime by her parents.

Su has trained with these skills: skill of compilation and compression, skill of presention, skill of reading, and skill of failure resistance. she write a 30 words blog daily that is short, simple, contentful and straight to the keypoint. this help her in presenting with keypoint that capture the attention of the audience and deliver the idea effectively.

skill of reading help in the determination, concentration and getting knowledge, while the skill of failure resistance make her confident. Su's parent apply the concept of 'marks play no roles, but confident play the most importnant'.

from the article, i learned that talent is not necessary from natural, but the most important is attitude that posted, sustained on the route to the success.

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