Saturday, November 29, 2008


November 29, 2008, Sunny

Today is my 25th birthday, but it's just another normal day with sleep and beer. Not much celebration, but at least i have enough rest from few weeks stress and works. A small and warm celebration with family is really good enough for me.

I think the wiremen license is the best present for me. Compare to last year, I achieved more results, in terms of personal career and business, but not personal relationship. more experience and knowledge in the field, better contacts and case done. hope this can sustain when i do yearly evaluation on birthday. And, have a stable relationship to stable my wavy life. hehehe....

Friday, November 28, 2008

An Ending is Another Beginning

November 28, 2008, Rainy

Finally i ends my wiremen license journey. however, it's just a start for me as an electrical contractor and businessman that need to compete in the market.

frankly, in past few years since i joint my father company, i get no business result at all. maybe i am not passion and professional enough.

today i just completed my first business case. although is a small amount of rm6k, but it's really just end my wiremen practical test yesterday, and my business journey start today. hope that my business grows along with my passion and dedication in this field.

November 27, 2008, Rainy, Finally, It's Over!...

Finally, my practical test is over. success on time. although a minor problem occured but luckily the examiner give me a chance. maybe there are some helps from Allyson.

for this test, I must thank Allyson, the one that encourage and help me in pursuing this license, my father, the one that teach me a lot in electrical system, material, and do wiring with fast way, and my supervisor, Siong, the one that teach me the wiring knowledge and lend tools to me.

feel released after the test although my body is completely exhausted. all just gone the way that a newly hand-ons unprofessional wiremen desired and hoped. hahaha....

now, u can call lim peh wiremen with MBA and bachelor of engineering.... hahahahaha......

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26, 2008, Sunny

Countdown to my scary practical test. however, i am well prepared, mentally, physically and technically. just hope that tomorrow i get the pace and complete on time.

tonight, i will rest early and just give it a shot tomorrow. wish me luck.. =D

Monday, November 24, 2008

November 24, 2008 Misty

good day.. done a business deal n my log book progress extremely good. faster than i planned, seem i finally gain the pace. get a good tools for my practical test as well.

hope this can sustain till end of my test.... =)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

'Don't give up, just be you, life is too short to be anyone else'

this qoute is from movie: step up 2 the street. it is a very nice movie and i just watch complete. it gives me a refreshing thought to me.

i like the dance. very very very much. i start to love this type of movie. and the quote, must us remember always.

November 23, 2008 Sunny

Tired with some hurt at hand and leg. another day of practical training. completed works but is over the duration given. however, it's better than yesterday and i'll try best in the actual test.

just finish watched step up 2 the street.... very very very nice. should look out more for this sort of movie.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22, 2008 Sunny

Exhausted, exhausted, exhausted.... first time i feel that i am a blue collar wiremen, but post an unprofessional technical skill. first time in my life that i need to really use my physical energy to grant graditute, however, i failed to grant it. the activity load i had today is maybe the total load for a month for my normal lifestyle.

i got no idea where to start with the job and my tought on that time is 'i am really in the wrong place, and perhaps industry'. and i show no progress during that time. after lunch and a nap in car, i finally get the pace and show some progress.

maybe isomnia has cause my physical condition become poor. after the practical training, i end up with exhausted and muscle pain on my arm and shoulder, but yet i not able to sleep at 1am now. =(

hope tomorrow my progress will be better and able to pass criteria for the actual test on coming thursday. wish me pace, cheers and good sleep.

Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21, 2008 Rainy

tired, bad tempered. i slept when i see the sun rise. get call 3-4 hours later from my mother. and i scolded her for disturbing me. regret =(....

my log book progress seem very good. all equipment and materials required is prepared. should be no problem for me to complete by time.

tmr i facing the practical class, the one that i fear the most. i had no hands-on experience. this is the first time in my life so scared for test or class. hope all will get fine tmr. and for the actual test on next thurs also.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 19, 2008 Rainy

today my concentration and awareness still very low while the countdown to deadline is only 1 week. feel tired and stressed but the progress is slow. tonight won't sleep to rush the report.

when day pass, i feel that my anergy level becoming lower and lower and the pressure become more and more.

if required to sacrify my few days sleep and time to obtain the lifetime return, i will defintely willing to do so. But am my determination and physical condition supporting?

all will be over after a week <-- the only motivation i have currently.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12, 2008 Windy & Cloudy

very typical and normal boring day, yet tired of driving long distance as not well slept.

stressed, start a bit scare to prepare the log book as time is running out. hope all will get better after it's over.. =(

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

recent photo

these are the most recent photo i taken by my Canon EOS 300D.

frankly, i don't the name of this flower. hahaha... what a unpleasent start.

'fu gui' or prosperous flower

the route to platation estate

this is my helper and guide, full credit to him.. hehe =D

slow in uploading... continue next time... by the way, i lost my photo back date from 2006 due to damage on my laptop. whoever has the photo concerned on me, kindly inform and make a copy to me. thanks a lot.

good day dudes.

Novermber 11, 2008 Hot & Sunny

Stress, tired. i think i have insomnia. hardly sleep well sometimes awake in the middle of sleep. maybe because of work and report for practical exam end of this month.

frustration. chinaman business world is not professional. take my plan and proposal to let other qoutes while award me for minor items. but, what can i do? =(

motivation, confident, changes, opportunity are the things i need the most now. and perhaps, my expectation, hopes and stamina.

Talent, is trained by this

this article is re-direct from the article in Sin-chew Daily today

Yi-han, Su, winner of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2008, is one of the two winner of this award from Asia. Instead of her age of 17, i very impressed with her personal skills that trained all her lifetime by her parents.

Su has trained with these skills: skill of compilation and compression, skill of presention, skill of reading, and skill of failure resistance. she write a 30 words blog daily that is short, simple, contentful and straight to the keypoint. this help her in presenting with keypoint that capture the attention of the audience and deliver the idea effectively.

skill of reading help in the determination, concentration and getting knowledge, while the skill of failure resistance make her confident. Su's parent apply the concept of 'marks play no roles, but confident play the most importnant'.

from the article, i learned that talent is not necessary from natural, but the most important is attitude that posted, sustained on the route to the success.

hi all =)

hi all,

this is my second blog with my name as title. =D

i just wan share and record my daily feeling and thoughts. and also photo taken that i think is good enough to share with others. hehehe...

once again, welcomed and free to comment. =)