Friday, April 3, 2009

50 Facts That Should Change The World by Jessica Williams

I just completed read this book titled 50 Facts That Should Change the World by Jessica Williams. It's very instersting, inspiring and surprising. The world seem to be civilised well, but the brutalities are everywhere in every country, every ethnics, religions, races and skin colors. What make us didn't really noticed about the brutalities are we situated in the preference side of the inequality. I just list out the table of contents of the book, however, it already shows the inferiority of some, or I can said majority population that whith minority concern.

1. The average Japanase women can expect to live to be 84. The average Botswanan will reach just 39. <-- this is what the difference between rich and poor countries.

2. A third of the world's obese people live in the developing world. <-- I can considered one of them

3. The US and Britain have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world.

4. China has 44 million missing women.

5. Brazil has more Avon ladies than the members of its armed services. <-- Not surprise as Brazil has tonnes of tonnes of beutiful girls

6. Eight-one percent of the world's executions in 2002 took place in just three countries: China, Iran and the USA.

7. British supermarkets know more about their consumers than the British government does. <-- Just from the things you bought

8. Every cow in the European Union is subsidised by $2.50 a day. That's more than what 75 percent of the Africans have to live on. <-- The cows are definitely have a better life than most Africans

9. In more than 70 countries, same-sex relationships are illegal. In nine countries, the penalty is dealth.

10. One in five of the world's people live on less than $1 a day. <-- Sad, Sad, Sad.....

11. More than 12,000 women are killed in Russia as a result of domestic voilence.

12. In 2003, 15 million Americans had some form of plastic surgery.

13. Landmines kill or maim at least one person every hour. <-- Sad, sad, sad.... I saw some victims in Combodia before, it's really heart-breaking....

14. There are 44 million child labourers in India. <-- maybe their life will be better with work

15. People in industrialised countries eat between six and seven kilograms of food additives every year. <-- ..............

16. The golfer Tiger Woods is the world's highest-paid sportsman. He earns $78 million a year - or $148 every second. <-- this become an issue when Tiger Woods is paid $55,000 a day to wear Nike caps while a Thai worker is paid an average of $4 a day to make them.

17. Seven million American women and 1 million American men suffer from an eating disorder.

18. Nearly half of British fifteen year olds have tried illegal drugs and nearly a quarter are regular cigarette smokers.

19. There are 67,000 people employed in the lobbying industry in Washington DC - 125 for each elected member of Congress. <-- whoever unemployed can consider this industry...

20. Cars kill two people every minute. <-- What's the traffic laws for??

21. Since 1977, there have been more than 90,000 acts of violence and disruption at abortion clinics in North America.

22. More people can identify the golden arches of McDonalds than the Christian cross. <-- Maybe they tend to convert into 'McDonaldian'... haha...

23. In Kenya, bribery payments make up a third of the average household budget. <-- luckily this don't happen here

24. The world's trade in illegal drugs is estimated to be worth around $400 billion - about the same as the world's legal pharmeceutical industry. <-- who interested to start business in this industry can contact me.... =D

25. A third of Americans believe aliens have landed on the Earth.

26. More than 150 countries use torture. <-- I am certainly sure that Malaysia is one of them, so better don't convict any crime.

27. Everyday, one in five of the world's population - some 800 million people - go hungry. <-- Sad, sad, sad,.........

28. Black man born in the US today stand a one in thre chance of going to jail.

29. A third of world's population is at war.

30. The world's oil reserves could be exhausted by 2040. <-- Bad future for Malaysian

31. Eighty-two percent of the world's smokers live in developing countries.

32. More than 70 percent of the world's population have never heard a dial tone. <-- This really surprise me!!....

33. A quarter of the world's armed conflicts of recent years have involved a struggle for natural resources. <-- Normal, do you really think they fight for their conscienses?

34. Some 30 million people in Africa are HIV-positive. <-- Use durex la, please.

35. Ten languages die out every year.

36. More people die each year from suicide than in all the world's armed conflicts. <-- Really?

37. Every week, an everage of 88 children are expelled from American schools for bringing a gun to class. <-- Why they have so many guns?

38. There are at least 300,000 prisoners of conscience in the world. <-- ISA lo

39. Two million girls and women are subjected to female genital mutilation each year. <-- I first known of this activity and very surprise that someone are practising

40. There are 300,000 child soldiers fighting in conflicts around the world. <-- This definitely worse than child labour

41. Nearly 26 million people voted in the 2001 British General Election. More than 32 million votes were cast in the first season of Pop Idol.

42. America spends $10 billion on pronography every year - the same amount it spends on foreign aid. <-- Should be good new for guy?

43. In 2003, the US spent $396 billion on its military. This is 33 times the combined military spending of the seven 'rogue states'. <-- I think the US government now sure regret of the use of the money

44. There are 27 million slaves in the world today. <-- There is one in my house =D

45. Americans discard 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour. That's enough bottles to reach all the way to the moon every three weeks. <-- I highlighted it cause I am very environmental conscious.

46. The average urban Briton is caught on camera up to 300 times a day.

47. Some 120,000 women and girls are trafficked into Western Europe every year.

48. A kiwi fruit flown from New Zealand to Britain emits five times its own weight in greenhouse gases. <-- That's why the oil exhausting so fast.

49. The US owes the United Stated of Nations more than $1 billion in unpaid dues. <-- understandable in current situation

50. Children living in poverty are three times more likely to suffer a mental illness than children from wealthy families. <-- .........

This book I brought accidentally while I hanging in Popular with a quite cheap price. However I found that it is a very good book. It's really open my sight to the real world issues.

After completed this book, I realised that this book are published in 2004. Some information might be out-lated, but the concern should rised our awareness because most of the issues still happening now.